SFC-Application 2.1
Software to perform SFC Measurements using the NMR-Method
Fully automated from LIMS to LIMS
With SFC-Application you can perform computerized measurements with your Bruker minispec device.
The software controls the processing of the sample tubes, the measurement using the minispec and also other devices, such as robot, tempering blocks, etc. SFC-Application manages the methods for the measurement and all sample data with their results. Additionally, an interface between SFC-Application and LIMS is available. This interface is bidirectional, which means that the interface imports the sample orders from the LIMS and exports the results back to the LIMS.
The sample data is archived and can be selected easily using a search tools. The search results can be exported to other applications via the Windows clipboard.
Features "Method Management":
- Plain and simple, customizable
- Any method (sequence) feasible
- Customer specific methods, e.g. rapid methods of every shape
- Integration of the Bruker minispec in the method (by Active-X control)
- Serial processing of one sample with multiple methods one after
- Supported proceedings: serial, parallel and indirect
Features "Temperature Management":
- Monitoring and graphical display of the actual temperatures
- Alarm call if desired temperature is out of min/max range
- Tempering steps can always be added, modified or deleted during the process
Workflow - Manual sample processing without robot

- Automated time management / no buzzer needed
- Service by semi-skilled workers ( e.g. in production facilities)
- Automated sample registration from the LIMS
- Automated delivery of the results to the LIMS
- Time savings
- Prevention of transmission errors
- Paperless laboratory
Workflow - Fully automated sample processing with robot

Additional Benefits with robot
- High sample throughput (up to 1500 measurements per day)
- High reliability and high reproducibility of the SFC-Results
- Strict observance of all retention times independent
of the method mix (e.g. long-term/rapid methods)
- Economy of manpower
- Automatic optimization of the complete system according to
sample throughput or time compliance
- Fully automated "Daily Check"
- Fully automated measurements of kinetics and crystallization
- Monitoring of the SFC processing and the temperatures at any workstation
- Temperature control and setup of the temper blocks by SFC-Application
System requirements:
- Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7
- CD-ROM drive for program installation
- Monitor with a minimum resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels
- The system has to fulfill the requirements of Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0